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V2EX 第 133652 号会员,加入于 2015-08-19 02:31:32 +08:00
xando 最近回复了
2016-07-13 00:10:39 +08:00
回复了 metrue 创建的主题 程序员 HN 上的 who is hiring.
Thanks @metrue for the input.

- I've checked http://www.autonavi.com/ it looks like the docs are Chinese only which I guess it's fine, but I won't be able to use them. I've found that http://map.baidu.com/ has API docs in English is it any good?

- I need dedicated machine with real cpu to setup search cluster, calculating geo-aggregation takes cpu and anything cloud based wasn't good enough.

- thanks, for link to ruby-china.org
2016-07-12 16:52:37 +08:00
回复了 metrue 创建的主题 程序员 HN 上的 who is hiring.
Hey, I'm an author of whoishiring.io.

Thanks for adding the page here!

Right now, China is a really huge blank spot on the map. I would like to fix it. Recently I've added sources from India and I would like to cover China as well.

If I would like to implement the service for China where I should start? How can I go about it?

- Maps service. There is no Google Maps, right? What kind of alternative should I look at?

- Dedicated servers. Who is hiring search desired latency for a query is <100ms. This is the result you can get in Europe for example. I'm guessing latency in China is huge fro those queries. Which are good dedicated servers providers I could look at?

- Job sources? I know that V2EX has own section. Anything else I could add?
Thanks for the tip with Google Maps I think I do something about, I'm guessing that OpenStreetMap will do the job?

Also thanks for directions with json although I might need few more things.
- Jobs post get outdated, there is no timestap in the data provided.
- Is there a way to generate a list of all available jobs, or I need to guess the id

@vitovan Should I try to include jobs from your repo or you are cool with the thing that you are doing. Are you planing to maintain it, or this was just oneoff to check the idea?

I'm guessing the jobs posts are here https://github.com/VitoVan/whereisjob.com/tree/master/p-system
Is V2EX jobs source XML based or you just used some tool to generate those xmls? Can i use it?
Hi I'm the author of https://whoishiring.it Let me know if you think I could help you with the idea.

In the near future I'm planning to add more sources (currently I've got only HN's "Who is hiring", testing Github and StackOverflow as I type ), if you think that V2EX could appear over there as well drop me an email. I can do heavy-lifting with scraping things, although might need some guidance.

Sorry for using English here, although my Chinese is as good as Google Translate is.
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