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V2EX 第 1365 号会员,加入于 2010-09-07 10:31:00 +08:00
有人用过 Android 手表,可以在上面开发软件么?
问与答  •  timshi  •  2012-05-30 10:08:24 AM  •  最后回复来自 timshi
Doodlecast for Kids
分享创造  •  timshi  •  2011-11-10 00:46:32 AM  •  最后回复来自 timshi
新手求助  •  timshi  •  2011-07-06 02:29:47 AM
My blog, my take on innovation works
随想  •  timshi  •  2011-04-16 21:24:56 PM  •  最后回复来自 timshi
iOS 4 multi-tasking 的问题
问与答  •  timshi  •  2011-03-26 01:22:10 AM  •  最后回复来自 timshi
if you have kids and ipads check out this game
分享创造  •  timshi  •  2011-03-11 23:33:50 PM  •  最后回复来自 timshi
分享发现  •  timshi  •  2011-02-23 11:40:39 AM  •  最后回复来自 xiaovfight
timshi 最近回复了
2012-05-30 11:03:57 +08:00
回复了 timshi 创建的主题 问与答 有人用过 Android 手表,可以在上面开发软件么?
I guess what you really need is not to get advice from the first letter, but get them interested so that they want to have a conversation with you.

If you think of your pdf as a start up's pitch, you first goal should be generating interest and conversation.

Here's a example of a 1 page pdf pitch from a start up guy I know in Toronto.

I guess my advice is you don't send the same version to all of them. Rank your "teachers" by their importance to you. Send the first draft to the one who has the lowest ranking, see if it works. If it doesn't work, think of why it didn't, make some changes and send it to the next one on your list and so on and so forth.
how well do you know them? do they know you?
I think you have to draw the shape with tapes to cover off the place you don't want to get spray on, spray paint on top and get rid of the tape later.

That's how they do it in pimp my ride : )
2012-02-21 04:36:30 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 New York 我这周会在曼哈顿待一周
Join the Linsanity and watch a New York Knicks game at MSG.
2011-12-20 00:44:51 +08:00
回复了 Olivia 创建的主题 English Pumped Up Kicks 怎么翻译

上youtube找“nba open court, sole search" : )
2011-12-19 02:19:05 +08:00
回复了 Olivia 创建的主题 English Pumped Up Kicks 怎么翻译
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