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2013-01-22 16:32:15 +08:00
回复了 shao 创建的主题 Clash of Clans 我的5本布局图
有道理,我看着几十个哥布林挖空了金库结果颗粒未收然后被全灭了- -
2013-01-22 14:18:17 +08:00
回复了 ranye 创建的主题 Clash of Clans 资源的掠夺是怎么算的?
楼主这种情况,应该是比你高两级的人洗劫了你的城市,抢走25%/2 左右的资源
2013-01-22 14:13:25 +08:00
回复了 ranye 创建的主题 Clash of Clans 资源的掠夺是怎么算的?
The maximum amount of resources you can raid are 50% of Resources stored in the Gold/Elixir Collectors, 100% of the resources stored in the Town Hall, 75% from dark elixir drills, 5% from dark elixir storage, plus 25% of Gold/Elixir Storage.

If you have a Town Hall which is 2 levels higher than your opponent's you will be able to loot only 50% of the maximum. The penalty increases to 25% of the maximum if you are 3 or more levels higher.
2013-01-21 10:58:06 +08:00
回复了 welsonla 创建的主题 Clash of Clans 今天早晨遭遇了气球流袭击
2013-01-18 10:48:01 +08:00
回复了 besteric 创建的主题 Clash of Clans V2EX第五分舵集结号
@HH 已撸
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