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2015-11-17 12:36:07 +08:00
回复了 jinhan13789 创建的主题 Arch Archlinux 下 Genymotion 模拟器启动不起来
这是我第四次装 archlinux 之前别的 linux 和 windows 都装了好多,最后选择 archlinux 。
2015-11-17 12:33:46 +08:00
回复了 jinhan13789 创建的主题 Arch Archlinux 下 Genymotion 模拟器启动不起来
@DaVinci42 如何查看呢 我 archlinux 刚装的啊
2015-11-17 12:32:39 +08:00
回复了 jinhan13789 创建的主题 Arch Archlinux 下 Genymotion 模拟器启动不起来
@herozem 还有啊 android studio 新疆爱你了项目 构建了一个小时都没结束 我设置了翻墙啊
2015-11-17 12:30:48 +08:00
回复了 jinhan13789 创建的主题 Arch Archlinux 下 Genymotion 模拟器启动不起来
@herozem 问题是除了 Events Manager: socket error connecting to "" : 22469
这条错误 看不到别的错误啊
google 只能搜到三条相关的信息 都不是解决方案
难道说我又要装 ubuntu ?
2015-11-17 12:26:29 +08:00
回复了 jinhan13789 创建的主题 Arch Archlinux 下 Genymotion 模拟器启动不起来
@herozem 你是说自带的模拟器吗?
2015-11-17 12:22:48 +08:00
回复了 jinhan13789 创建的主题 Arch Archlinux 下 Genymotion 模拟器启动不起来
Nov 17 11:02:45 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:02:46 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920") returns 0
Nov 17 11:02:46 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("controlvm", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "poweroff") returns 0
Nov 17 11:02:46 [Genymotion Player] [Warning] **** STOPPING VIRTUAL DEVICE ****
Nov 17 11:02:46 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Exit status: 15
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Virtual device configured
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Virtualization engine configured
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Virtualization engine configured
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] No token found. Skipping activation
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Virtual Machine status: off
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Start the device...
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "set", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("modifyvm", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "--nic1", "hostonly") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("modifyvm", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "--hostonlyadapter1", "vboxnet0") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("modifyvm", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "--nictype1", "virtio") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("modifyvm", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "--cableconnected1", "on") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "set", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "genymotion_vm_name", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:27 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:28 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("startvm", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "--type", "headless") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:28 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:28 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Virtual Machine started.
Nov 17 11:06:28 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Waiting for an IP address...
Nov 17 11:06:28 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:29 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:30 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:31 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:32 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:33 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:33 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Genymotion system started. Attributed IP address: ""
Nov 17 11:06:33 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:33 [Genymotion Player] [Warning] QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
Nov 17 11:06:33 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "get", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920", "androvm_ip_management") returns 0
Nov 17 11:06:33 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Events Manager connecting to QHostAddress( "" ) : 22469
Nov 17 11:07:03 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Timeout waiting for EventManager connection
Nov 17 11:07:03 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] Event Manager socket error: QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError
Nov 17 11:07:03 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "PREVIEW - Google Nexus 5X - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920") returns 0
Nov 17 11:07:03 [Genymotion Player] [Error] Events Manager: socket error connecting to "" : 22469
下面几乎都是个错误 日志还算完整
2015-11-17 12:18:42 +08:00
回复了 jinhan13789 创建的主题 Arch Archlinux 下 Genymotion 模拟器启动不起来
@DaVinci42 可以的 只是 Genymotion 中的 android 模拟器启动不起来
我下载了 4.11 5.0 和 6.0 三个版本的模拟器都能启动
2015-08-27 19:04:34 +08:00
回复了 speedcell4 创建的主题 Android 有没有这样的安卓背单词 app
待遇不错,不过我不是 phper ~
2015-08-26 22:56:32 +08:00
回复了 w88975 创建的主题 宽带症候群 网络无法连接 http 协议,但是 socket 可以是怎么回事?
2015-08-24 06:51:53 +08:00
回复了 yeelone 创建的主题 问与答 ubuntu studio 创建 project 之后报的如下错误,请问如何解决 ?
看 log 从下往上看,一般真正的错误在倒数 3 ~ 8 个错误点。表问我怎么知道的
2015-08-24 06:46:56 +08:00
回复了 wbsdty331 创建的主题 macOS Hackintosh 完美驱动成功
求经验, mac 还是很能提高比格的。我硬件和楼主差不多,可以有偿提供服务吗?
2015-08-24 06:45:02 +08:00
回复了 wbsdty331 创建的主题 macOS Hackintosh 完美驱动成功
啊,我 E3 1231v3 华硕 z97-A 280x 显卡,装黑苹果两次失败,最好的一次是装了系统,重启卡住了
~做 android 的路过,表示实际水平代表你的过去,实习公司一般都不会很严格。切记表进外包公司
虽然我不用 php ,但是至少捣鼓过俩月 laravel ,但是人的精力是有限的,于是我现在学 python
2015-08-24 06:24:14 +08:00
回复了 b244183 创建的主题 程序员 大学开的 Android 开发课值得上吗?
额,我们老师教了一学期的安卓。最后考试能拖一个 button ,能添加 onclick 就满分了
2015-06-05 11:30:16 +08:00
回复了 iloveayu 创建的主题 问与答 如何证明一个较大的系统镜像文件是安全的?
2015-06-04 16:28:55 +08:00
回复了 pythonee 创建的主题 问与答 大家设计前端页面都用什么工具
@clino 这个确实神器,我等不会设计的人就指望它了
2015-06-04 15:47:21 +08:00
回复了 catherinelin 创建的主题 问与答 PHP 工程师 你在哪儿?
android 电话功能调用
android 数据存储
android 基础控件使用
我编程入门一年 工作经验半年,这是我编程入门俩月时做的~
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