

V2EX 第 265760 号会员,加入于 2017-11-08 15:36:21 +08:00
根据 hongzhng 的设置,主题列表被隐藏
二手交易 相关的信息,包括已关闭的交易,不会被隐藏
hongzhng 最近回复了
2023-08-10 04:12:45 +08:00
回复了 youngster 创建的主题 Apple Apple ID 建议,一直无法去除
同遇到这个,我是点进去就无法连接,都没机会接受。 我以为是国内网络问题,可是在国外也试了,也不行。 我这个还隔一段时间自己会跳出来。
2023-01-26 04:04:33 +08:00
回复了 outtime 创建的主题 程序员 Github 似乎无法访问了
-- from Azure Status page

Summary of Impact: Between 07:05 UTC and 09:45 UTC on 25 January 2023, customers experienced issues with networking connectivity, manifesting as network latency and/or timeouts when attempting to connect to Azure resources in Public Azure regions, as well as other Microsoft services including Microsoft 365 and PowerBI.

Preliminary Root Cause: We determined that a change made to the Microsoft Wide Area Network (WAN) impacted connectivity between clients on the internet to Azure, connectivity between services within regions, as well as ExpressRoute connections.

Mitigation: We identified a recent change to WAN as the underlying cause and have rolled back this change. Networking telemetry shows recovery from 09:00 UTC onwards across all regions and services, with the final networking equipment recovering at 09:35 UTC. Most impacted Microsoft services automatically recovered once network connectivity was restored, and we worked to recover the remaining impacted services.
2023-01-04 10:21:18 +08:00
回复了 kzhiquan 创建的主题 macOS [抽奖送码 & macOS] Picsee 素材管理和看图软件抽奖活动!
2022-12-22 08:11:20 +08:00
回复了 missuo 创建的主题 分享发现 阿根廷 Affinity 购买方案
@particlec 可以分享一下店铺么?谢谢
2022-10-08 14:38:51 +08:00
回复了 doomzc 创建的主题 问与答 iPhone 怎么备份最快最全?
使用“快速开始”将数据传输到新的 iPhone 或 iPad

选取所需的数据传输方式-- 选直接从旧设备传输。
2022-10-08 14:36:14 +08:00
回复了 doomzc 创建的主题 问与答 iPhone 怎么备份最快最全?
如果要用 iCloud 备份设置新的 iPhone ,在空间不足的情况下可以有 21 天临时空间。 链接如下。

2022-09-13 16:54:53 +08:00
回复了 wayh 创建的主题 Apple iOS 16 壁纸功能问题
2022-07-21 14:32:25 +08:00
回复了 hongzhng 创建的主题 Google 请问下 google drive 2t 有什么优惠的购买渠道
@RivetCity 到现在还没问题,一切正常
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