V2EX = way to explore
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如果是遇到忽冷忽热鼻炎更严重,流大量清水鼻涕的话可以试试 仲景医药的《玉屏风口服液》
不太推荐冲剂,因为不方便,所以影响吃药的持续性,因为这个药我大概喝了 4 个月,我几年的鼻炎就好了,这个药主要是提高免疫力,免疫力提高,鼻炎自然就消失了。跟我一个症状的可以试试,其他物质性过敏的我没有发言权
大家都散了吧,现在开始给 5 折码了,以下是收到的邮件

I’m Sean, the creator of T.MR, and I wanted to personally thank you for checking out T.MR.

In order to thank our new registered users, we are offering you a 50% discount code: NEWUSER50OFF

You can also enjoy a free 7-day trial of all our packages without adding a credit card.

Thanks, Sean

P.s. feel free to respond to this email with questions. I read every single one.
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