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V2EX 第 380120 号会员,加入于 2019-01-25 14:45:12 +08:00
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Tstxxy 最近回复了
118 天前
回复了 yellowsky 创建的主题 宽带症候群 下雨天公司和家里的网络都会很差
175 天前
回复了 fields 创建的主题 分享发现 看到一个关于读书的帖子
183 天前
回复了 lucasj 创建的主题 程序员 推荐几个你一直在用的开源项目工具
@Fueldebu 最后好像还是用回 ChatGPT 解决问题,有点讽刺的。
2023-10-04 15:40:33 +08:00
回复了 Tstxxy 创建的主题 程序员 普通人(普通程序员)如何抓住生成式 AI 的风口?
@sofukwird 访谈中有一句话是我们总是高估短期,低估长期。
2023-09-20 10:45:14 +08:00
回复了 v2nika 创建的主题 程序员 为什么这么多后端开发上下游不分?
upstream 在 计算机网络中的解释
In computer networking, upstream refers to the direction in which data can be transferred from the client to the server (uploading).
upstream 在软件开发中的解释
In software development, when software has been forked or uses a chain of libraries/dependencies, upstream refers to an issue that occurs in software related to the chain. It is the direction that is toward the original authors or maintainers of software. It is usually used in the context of a version, a bug, or a patch.
upstream 在水文学中的解释
The term upstream (or upriver) refers to the direction towards the source of the stream (or river), i.e. against the direction of flow. Likewise, the term downstream or downriver describes the direction towards the mouth of the stream or river, in which the current flows. The term "left bank" and "right bank" refers to banks as seen from the direction of flow.
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