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[深圳] [东亚银行] 招聘 DevOps 和 Cloud 工程师

  •   perry666 · 2023-03-20 19:03:20 +08:00 · 1551 次点击
    这是一个创建于 578 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    公司: https://www.teksystems.com/

    岗位:DevOps 工程师
    薪资:18-26 K/Month
    1.Setting up tools and required infrastructure
    2.Defining and setting development, test, release, update, and support processes for DevOps operation
    3.Have the technical skill to review, verify, and validate the software code developed in the project.
    4.Troubleshooting techniques and fixing the code bugs
    5.Monitoring the processes during the entire lifecycle for its adherence and updating or creating new processes for improvement and minimizing the wastage
    6.Encouraging and building automated processes wherever possible

    1.Experience working on Linux based infrastructure
    2.Experience in pipeline development and support of Git, Jenkins, JFrog Artifactory, Groovy, Helm etc.
    3.Experience in IaC e.g. Terraform and Ansible
    4.Excellent understanding of Ruby, Python, Perl, and Java
    5.Configuration and managing databases
    6.Excellent troubleshooting
    7.Working knowledge of various tools, open-source technologies, and cloud services
    Awareness of critical concepts in DevOps and Agile principles

    岗位:Cloud 工程师
    薪资:18-30 K/Month
    1.Setting up tools and required infrastructure
    2.Defining and setting development, test, release, update, and support processes for Cloud operation
    3.Plan and implement the cloud services provisioning, configuration and monitoring in an automated and cloud native manner.
    4.Have the technical skill e.g. AWS, GCP, IaC to review, verify, and validate the software code developed in the project.
    5.Troubleshooting techniques and fixing the code bugs
    6.Monitoring the processes during the entire lifecycle for its adherence and updating or creating new processes for improvement and minimizing the wastage
    7.Encouraging and building automated processes wherever possible

    1.Experience working on Linux based infrastructure.
    2.Excellent understanding of AWS and Google Cloud
    3.Configuration and managing IaC
    4.Excellent troubleshooting
    5.Working knowledge of various tools, open-source technologies, and cloud services
    Awareness of critical concepts in DevOps and Agile principles

    腾讯会议或者 ZOOM MEETING 远程语音或者视频面试

    公司是外企 TEK ,是东亚银行服务商。工作是去到东亚银行负责银行方面的工作,介意者勿扰(其实真的没啥大的区别)。

    有兴趣的 V 友加微信内推:LD-19900818
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