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pgpool if_up_cmd 配置好像不起作用

  •   ccccccccw · 2022-08-16 17:21:44 +08:00 · 1157 次点击
    这是一个创建于 797 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    use_watchdog = on
    delegate_IP = '' 
    if_up_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr add $_IP_$/24 dev ens192 label ens192:1'
    if_down_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr del $_IP_$/24 dev ens192'
    arping_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/arping -U $_IP_$ -w 1 -I ens192'

    添加了这个配置以后,执行了 ifconfig ,发现没有虚拟 ip 创建,后续查看了 pgpool 的 log 文件,发现 log 文件里面没有任何的和 if_up_cmd 相关的日志输出,if_up_cmd 像是没有执行的样子,有大佬知道这是为什么吗?

     2022-08-16 04:58:59.992: main pid 19939: LOG:  health_check_stats_shared_memory_size: requested size: 12288
        2022-08-16 04:58:59.992: main pid 19939: LOG:  memory cache initialized
        2022-08-16 04:58:59.992: main pid 19939: DETAIL:  memcache blocks :64
        2022-08-16 04:58:59.992: main pid 19939: LOG:  allocating (136981896) bytes of shared memory segment
        2022-08-16 04:58:59.992: main pid 19939: LOG:  allocating shared memory segment of size: 136981896 
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.169: main pid 19939: LOG:  health_check_stats_shared_memory_size: requested size: 12288
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.169: main pid 19939: LOG:  health_check_stats_shared_memory_size: requested size: 12288
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.169: main pid 19939: LOG:  memory cache initialized
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.169: main pid 19939: DETAIL:  memcache blocks :64
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.177: main pid 19939: LOG:  pool_discard_oid_maps: discarded memqcache oid maps
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.193: main pid 19939: LOG:  waiting for watchdog to initialize
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.193: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  setting the local watchdog node name to " Linux localhost.localdomain"
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.193: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  watchdog cluster is configured with 2 remote nodes
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.194: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  watchdog remote node:0 on
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.194: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  watchdog remote node:1 on
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.194: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  interface monitoring is disabled in watchdog
        2022-08-16 04:59:00.195: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  watchdog node state changed from [DEAD] to [LOADING]
        2022-08-16 04:59:05.200: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  watchdog node state changed from [LOADING] to [JOINING]
        2022-08-16 04:59:09.205: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  watchdog node state changed from [JOINING] to [INITIALIZING]
        2022-08-16 04:59:10.206: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  I am the only alive node in the watchdog cluster
        2022-08-16 04:59:10.207: watchdog pid 19942: HINT:  skipping stand for coordinator state
        2022-08-16 04:59:10.207: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  watchdog node state changed from [INITIALIZING] to [LEADER]
        2022-08-16 04:59:10.207: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  I am announcing my self as leader/coordinator watchdog node
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  I am the cluster leader node
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: watchdog pid 19942: DETAIL:  our declare coordinator message is accepted by all nodes
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  setting the local node " Linux localhost.localdomain" as watchdog cluster leader
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  signal_user1_to_parent_with_reason(1)
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  I am the cluster leader node but we do not have enough nodes in cluster
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: watchdog pid 19942: DETAIL:  waiting for the quorum to start escalation process
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: main pid 19939: LOG:  watchdog process is initialized
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.211: main pid 19939: DETAIL:  watchdog messaging data version: 1.2
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.212: main pid 19939: LOG:  Pgpool-II parent process received SIGUSR1
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.213: main pid 19939: LOG:  Pgpool-II parent process received watchdog state change signal from watchdog
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.213: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  new IPC connection received
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.213: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  new IPC connection received
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.213: main pid 19939: LOG:  Setting up socket for
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.213: main pid 19939: LOG:  Setting up socket for :::9999
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.213: life_check pid 19949: LOG:  3 watchdog nodes are configured for lifecheck
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.214: life_check pid 19949: LOG:  watchdog nodes ID:0 Name:" Linux localhost.localdomain"
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.214: life_check pid 19949: DETAIL:  Host:"" WD Port:9000 pgpool-II port:9999
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.214: life_check pid 19949: LOG:  watchdog nodes ID:1 Name:"Not_Set"
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.214: life_check pid 19949: DETAIL:  Host:"" WD Port:9000 pgpool-II port:9999
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.214: life_check pid 19949: LOG:  watchdog nodes ID:2 Name:"Not_Set"
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.214: life_check pid 19949: DETAIL:  Host:"" WD Port:9000 pgpool-II port:9999
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.236: main pid 19939: LOG:  find_primary_node_repeatedly: waiting for finding a primary node
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.264: main pid 19939: LOG:  find_primary_node: primary node is 0
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.268: pcp_main pid 19987: LOG:  PCP process: 19987 started
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.269: sr_check_worker pid 19988: LOG:  process started
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.269: health_check pid 19989: LOG:  process started
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.270: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  new IPC connection received
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.270: main pid 19939: LOG:  pgpool-II successfully started. version 4.3.2 (tamahomeboshi)
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.270: main pid 19939: LOG:  node status[0]: 1
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.270: main pid 19939: LOG:  node status[1]: 0
        2022-08-16 04:59:14.270: main pid 19939: LOG:  node status[2]: 0
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.215: heart_beat_receiver pid 19951: LOG:  set SO_REUSEPORT option to the socket
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.215: heart_beat_receiver pid 19951: LOG:  creating watchdog heartbeat receive socket.
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.215: heart_beat_receiver pid 19951: DETAIL:  set SO_REUSEPORT
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.216: heart_beat_sender pid 19953: LOG:  set SO_REUSEPORT option to the socket
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.216: heart_beat_sender pid 19953: LOG:  creating socket for sending heartbeat
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.216: heart_beat_sender pid 19953: DETAIL:  set SO_REUSEPORT
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.216: heart_beat_receiver pid 19955: LOG:  set SO_REUSEPORT option to the socket
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.217: heart_beat_receiver pid 19955: LOG:  creating watchdog heartbeat receive socket.
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.217: heart_beat_receiver pid 19955: DETAIL:  set SO_REUSEPORT
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.217: heart_beat_sender pid 19957: LOG:  set SO_REUSEPORT option to the socket
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.217: heart_beat_sender pid 19957: LOG:  creating socket for sending heartbeat
        2022-08-16 04:59:15.217: heart_beat_sender pid 19957: DETAIL:  set SO_REUSEPORT
        2022-08-16 04:59:24.302: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  new IPC connection received
        2022-08-16 04:59:34.336: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  new IPC connection received
        2022-08-16 04:59:44.370: watchdog pid 19942: LOG:  new IPC connection received
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