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V2EX  ›  酷工作

全球虚拟货币交易公司招 iOS 程序员写 Swift , 可以远程工作/在家工作,有感兴趣的吗

  •  2
  •   HelenGuan · 2020-03-05 09:16:29 +08:00 · 1598 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1694 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    World leading cryptocurrency exchange platform with average daily volume of 1.2bn. They operate globally including US, China, Singapore, Malta, Japan, etc. Their aim is to be No.1 for all regions.

    Team They have 700-800 employees world-wide with more than 200 people in the engineer team. 50 people from the engineer team works remotely world-wide. Their team includes backend developer, frontend developer, IOS developer, Android developer, DevOps, Infrastructure expert, Big data and blockchain quant. They hire new talents every year and last year they hired 6 new iOS talents.

    Why should you join them?

    • You will enjoy location freedom with them. Because they operate globally and you can work remotely, you can basically work anywhere in the world you want!
    • They are a technically strong team. All engineers they have in the team are experts in their area and you can communicate and share with them in a flat team culture.
    • You can propose your idea to them freely without having to wait for approval. They operate in a start-up like culture.
    • They value work efficiency.

    What are they looking for in you?

    • Strong in Swift development. You need to build an App by using Swift from end to end.
    • You have experienced high volume users and can deal with outage problems.
    • Hardworking mindset and efficiency work attitude.
    • Able to speak Mandarin; able to speak English is a plus.
    • Interested in Greenfield development and high volume application
    • Interested in Cryptocurrency and blockchain

    What will you work on?

    • Working on one of Binance platform and other confidential projects
    • You will handle the system being hacked almost everyday (challenging)
    • You will only work on Swift instead of Objective-C
    • Greenfield development with minimal maintenance
    • Report to IOS lead
    • 8 hours of work from Monday to Friday (sometimes you need to OT if the project is facing limited time)

    Interview pre-test 1st- zoom technical discussion with IOS developer 2nd – zoom technical discussion with another IOS developer and head of IOS 3rd- coding test and code review

    感兴趣可以携简历加我微信 guanhaiyue1010. :)

    第 1 条附言  ·  2020-03-05 10:52:57 +08:00
    公司待遇丰厚,全球大厂,不要求会英文,求 iOS 大牛加入
    5 条回复    2020-03-30 21:38:15 +08:00
       2020-03-05 11:40:52 +08:00
    交易所名字 不说下?
       2020-03-05 11:51:39 +08:00
    @Kmmoonlight 币安
       2020-03-05 16:50:50 +08:00
    @HelenGuan 没注意看 吓得以为是 fcoin
       2020-03-06 09:35:01 +08:00
    @Kmmoonlight 啊哈哈不是啊,你或者你有朋友有兴趣来吗
       2020-03-30 21:38:15 +08:00 via iPhone
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