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  •   IcyinCoupang · 2019-05-21 14:51:56 +08:00 · 1422 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1980 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Coupang 是全球最大也是发展速度最快的电商平台之一。其使命是让顾客无法想象“如果离开了 Coupang 该如何生活?”为了创造这个新世界,我们正在寻找满怀热情共同实现这一追求的人才。助力于世界尖端技术和运营体系,我们正致力于彻底改变顾客的点对点终端体验,从引进革命性的最后一公里配送,到潜心探索如何在一个以移动端为核心的平台上优化顾客的商品检索及发现。Coupang 被《麻省理工科技评论》评选为“全球 50 家最智能科技公司”之一,并入选《福布斯》“ 30 大改变世界格局者“。 作为一家全球化企业,Coupang 的办公地点分布在北京,洛杉矶,西雅图,首尔,上海和硅谷。 职位概览 Product Engineering 负责构建面向客户的 Coupang 产品,我们负责 10 多个关键任务应用程序,每天处理数百万个客户交易,从客户打开 Coupang 主页开始,直到客户通过订单完成所产生的非凡的购物体验,我们将负责处理该过程中的每个部分。As our   Principal Business Analysis for Search and Discovery Analytics, you will be responsible for   operational reporting and insights to make our consumer experience world-class.  Millions of Customers shop in Coupang, generating billions of data points. The Business Analytics team brings this data together to generate actionable insights, answer complex business questions, and help us deepen our understanding of Customers.

    Responsibilities: • Proposing and generating new Customer experience metrics and insights that will help us create the best shopping experience • Collaborating with product owners, designers, program managers, engineers, and business stakeholders to make data-driven decisions • Creating and managing weekly, monthly, and quarterly business reporting, working across multiple teams to identify and present high-level insights to key stakeholders and executives • Providing thought leadership and be the subject matter expert on Customer analytics Qualifications: • One who has demonstrated experience translating data and insights into concrete and actionable recommendations • One who has ability to write and communicate complex analysis in a clear and concise way • One who is self-starter who takes ownership and has the ability to think and react quickly in a high-energy, fast-paced environment • One who has strong critical thinking and detail-oriented with an aptitude for solving unstructured problems • One who has 5+ years of experience in data analysis • One who has experience with SQL, Excel, Python, and R/SAS or any statistical package • One who has experience that working with Big Data technologies like Hadoop, Spark, and Presto • One who has bachelor ’ s degree in Statistics, Engineering, Business, or equivalent experience


    工作地点:上海浦东新区地铁 2 号线金科路站,长泰广场。

    公司 2018 年底软银最新一轮融资 20 亿美金,估计 90 亿美金。提供午餐补助,有期权奖励,弹性工作制,上下班不打卡,有海外工作 /培训机会,工作性价比高,非 996 模式。

    请发简历至 [email protected] / 加微信 13641817151 (注明通过 V2EX 看到招聘信息)
    3 条回复    2019-08-15 15:48:46 +08:00
       2019-06-16 11:20:06 +08:00   ❤️ 1
       2019-07-30 17:06:49 +08:00
    上海办公室大部分都是中国同事,所以沟通都是中文。目前的招聘并没有英文要求。主要看的是技术。当然,如果你对英文有想法提升,在 Coupang 工作的确是可以有这么个环境的。
       2019-08-15 15:48:46 +08:00
    @zzusec 上海办公室大部分都是中国同事,所以沟通都是中文。目前的招聘并没有英文要求。主要看的是技术。当然,如果你对英文有想法提升,在 Coupang 工作的确是可以有这么个环境的。
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