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Serpent.AI - 游戏代理框架( Python )[视频游戏界面,变成了 Python 可以操控的。]

  •   fendouai_com · 2017-09-23 16:02:30 +08:00 · 2267 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2581 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Serpent.AI - 游戏代理框架( Python )

    Serpent.AI 是一个简单而强大的新颖框架,可帮助开发人员创建游戏代理。将您拥有的任何视频游戏变成一个成熟的实验的沙箱环境,所有这些都是熟悉的 Python 代码。框架的存在理由首先是为机器学习和人工智能研究提供有价值的工具。用作爱好者(和危险的上瘾,公正的警告)也是非常有趣的!该框架具有大量的支持模块,它们在使用视频游戏作为环境以及 CLI 工具来加速开发时,为常见的场景提供解决方案。它提供了一些有用的约定,但绝对没有看到你在代理中的内容:想要使用最新的尖端深度强化学习算法?允许。想使用计算机视觉技术,图像处理和三角学?允许。想随机按向左或向右按​​钮?叹了口气 Serpent.AI 被设计为完全基于插件(对于游戏支持和游戏代理),所以您的实验实际上是可移植的,可以分发给您的同龄人和互联网上随机的陌生人。您还将很高兴听到所有 3 个主要操作系统都支持:Linux,Windows 和 MacOS。注意:早期支持 macOS。

    项目地址: https://github.com/SerpentAI/SerpentAI

    更多机器学习教程: http://www.tensorflownews.com/

    Serpent.AI - Game Agent Framework (Python)

    Serpent.AI is a simple yet powerful, novel framework to assist developers in the creation of game agents. Turn ANY video game you own into a sandbox environment ripe for experimentation, all with familiar Python code. The framework's raison d'être is first and foremost to provide a valuable tool for Machine Learning & AI research. It also turns out to be ridiculously fun to use as a hobbyist (and dangerously addictive; a fair warning)! The framework features a large assortment of supporting modules that provide solutions to commonly encountered scenarios when using video games as environments as well as CLI tools to accelerate development. It provides some useful conventions but is absolutely NOT opiniated about what you put in your agents: Want to use the latest, cutting-edge deep reinforcement learning algorithm? ALLOWED. Want to use computer vision techniques, image processing and trigonometry? ALLOWED. Want to randomly press the Left or Right buttons? sigh ALLOWED. To top it all off, Serpent.AI was designed to be entirely plugin-based (for both game support and game agents) so your experiments are actually portable and distributable to your peers and random strangers on the Internet. You'll also be glad to hear that all 3 major OSes are supported: Linux, Windows & macOS. Note: Early support for macOS.

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