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[上海] 点融网在寻找 UI and UE Designer

  •   dianrongwang · 2014-11-26 11:56:03 +08:00 · 1931 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3618 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


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    Designers will articulate and envision the future of DianRong’s entire portfolio of products, ranging from dianrong products, innovation projects and partner solutions. This will include the following competencies:

    Visual Designers will use their expertise in typography, layout, and color to elicit the desired emotional response and connections for a project’s given personas. Attention to detail at the pixel precision level is a must.

    User Experience Designers will craft intuitive interactions and workflows informed by market and audience research —typically in the form of sketches called ‘wireframes’. Industrial designers with strong interaction design skills are welcome to apply.

    Required skills

    Basic Requirements:
    Solid understanding of the theories and practices of interaction design and the principles of application design.
    Passion for designing elegant solutions to complex problems.
    A strong foundation in visual, interactive or industrial design tools. Must have the ability to use industry standard design tools at a minimum of an intermediate level or higher.
    Strong foundation in teamwork, leadership, critical thinking and multi-tasking.
    Strong focus on client success.

    Hands-on skills in HTML, CSS and Javascript.
    Experience with requirements management tools.
    Previous work/internship experience on software projects is a plus.
    Previous work/internship experience in user interaction or experience design projects is a plus.
    Previous work/internship experience on user research or evaluation projects is a plus.
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