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Senior BlockChain Testing (BTC Layer2 & DEX, Remote)

  •   justinX · 4 天前 · 533 次点击
    Position : Senior BlockChain Testing (BTC Layer2 & DEX)
    Location: Remote
    Industry: Web3/Layer 2/DEX

    1 、3+ years BlockChain testing experience, especially with experience in BTC Layer 2 and DEX;
    2 、In-depth understanding of UAT, UX testing, functional testing, performance testing, fuzz testing and cross-chain interoperability;
    3 、Experience testing cross-chain exchanges and transactions between BTC and other blockchain networks;
    4 、Familiar with Truffle, Hardhat, Ganache and other testing frameworks; understanding of Apache JMeter or Hyperledger Caliper and other performance testing tools;
    5 、Excellent communication skills, ability to work autonomously and get started quickly.

    Please bring your resume to the inquiry:
    TG: @jtx_2023
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