V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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V2EX  ›  JasonMoriarty  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  10
2023-07-27 16:21:36 +08:00
回复了 zetaochen 创建的主题 程序员 求推荐个实用的密码管理器
@Serif KeePassXC
2022-09-10 22:53:29 +08:00
回复了 LuckyPocketWatch 创建的主题 iPhone 我这种情况是否属于强迫症?你们有类似情况嘛?
iphone? IpHONE!
2022-08-29 22:13:57 +08:00
回复了 Melville 创建的主题 Google 土区 google 账户被封(全家桶被封),求教各位大佬
……哪有这么注册新账户的,注册那么多账户一起用必被认为滥用。 你申诉以后会发邮件告诉你结果,你再跟他沟通就行。
2022-08-29 17:50:02 +08:00
回复了 Melville 创建的主题 Google 土区 google 账户被封(全家桶被封),求教各位大佬
想要账户细分使用唯一的方式是用域名邮箱,不同的地址注册不同的网站,比如银行就是 [email protected]. V2EX 就是 [email protected] 。 哪有你这样注册好几个免费邮箱的“细分”的。别人的细分都是工作一个,个人生活一个。
2022-08-29 17:45:51 +08:00
回复了 Melville 创建的主题 Google 土区 google 账户被封(全家桶被封),求教各位大佬

@likaci 只是 com ?那还好…吓我一跳
@totoro625 土耳其地区优惠到 8.1 就涨价了? 请问来源是哪里
@Clash 域名 whois 用的是 google 的隐私设置,里面的内容不是我填的,也不是真的。 是 Google domain 的邮箱收到的,个人觉得它是为了防止黑卡盗刷,主要是因为我用了虚拟银行卡,银行卡的 holder 和 bill address 都是假的。 我跟他解释了一下,大概花了三四天就放我出来了。
Thank you for submitting your verification information; your payments are now active and you can continue to make purchases on Google.

In order to prevent similar issues in the future, you can take the following precautions:

Get permission before using someone else’s payment method
If you are using a payment method that belongs to a family member, friend or acquaintance, make sure you get their explicit authorization before making a Google purchase. Otherwise, if the owner of the payment method disputes the charge with their issuer or with Google, it may lead to payments suspension.

Provide your full billing address
Make sure your address on file with Google payments matches the full billing address associated with your payment method (a full address includes street number, street name, city, state and zip number). You can update your address from payments profile settings.

Report unauthorized charges to Google
If you believe your payment method was charged without your authorization on your account, get help from Google.
2022-05-16 10:45:19 +08:00
回复了 ALLROBOT 创建的主题 信息安全 如何避免 IP 追踪?
就代理+Tor 就好 比如我现在就是
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