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2019-05-14 06:46:53 +08:00
回复了 simonp 创建的主题 MacBook Pro MBP 合上盖子睡眠的时候,总发出 QQ 重新登录的声音
我被这个问题困扰了好久,实在没办法了现在把 QQ 登录提醒这些声音都关了。。只能说安静了,但是没找到病根。
2019-03-23 07:12:04 +08:00
回复了 crazybug 创建的主题 问与答 AlphaRacks 是不是退款很难
alpharacks 厂商太坑了,开始买 vps 开始不行退了重新买了一个,但是之前那个没退款,我第二天就发工单让客服处理,结果那边回复不符合退款条件,我找到他们的条款 AlphaRacks provides new accounts with a three (3) day money-back guarantee on shared and VPS services. Please note that our money-back guarantee does not apply to dedicated servers, nor does it apply to software and control panel licenses since these are procured through third-parties; software and control panel licenses are non-refundable.
我要求他们退款,结果他们昨天直接把我提的工单删了。。。..提醒千万别买,真的要买请用 paypal,不要用支付宝,出现争议压根没地方投诉
2019-03-23 06:59:45 +08:00
回复了 blues9 创建的主题 云计算 alpharacks 这个服务商大家用过吗?
alpharacks 厂商太坑了,开始买 vps 开始不行退了重新买了一个,但是之前那个没退款,我第二天就发工单让客服处理,结果那边回复不符合退款条件,我找到他们的条款 AlphaRacks provides new accounts with a three (3) day money-back guarantee on shared and VPS services. Please note that our money-back guarantee does not apply to dedicated servers, nor does it apply to software and control panel licenses since these are procured through third-parties; software and control panel licenses are non-refundable.
我要求他们退款,结果他们昨天直接把我提的工单删了。。。..提醒千万别买,真的要买请用 paypal,不要用支付宝,出现争议没地方投诉....小厂商的真的不能选啊,他们压根不在乎声誉和服务。
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